Courier & Beyond is your trusted choice for swift and reliable courier services. From local deliveries to extended trips to neighboring towns and cities, we go beyond the ordinary. We’re not just a courier service; we’re today’s courier, committed to excellence in every delivery and Runner Services.
These fees are specific to our Runner services only and they are not applicable to other products and services offered on this website. Things To-Do Runner fees are determined using two factors: the time spent at the location where the service is provided, and the distance traveled in miles to reach that location. It’s essential to note that a starting point, or “mile zero” is established here to calculate the distance fees. If multiple stops are required, the origin for each subsequent stop is the previous stop.
Things To-Do Runner: Hourly Fees:
Runner services are charged at a rate of USD $60.00 per hour. The first hour is charged in full, even if the runner spends less than an hour on a task. After the first hour, if more time is needed, charges are applied in half-hour increments of USD $30.00.
Things To-Do Runner: Distance Fees (Miami / Fort Lauderdale):
Distance calculations charges for Things To-Do Runner services in Miami / Fort Lauderdale start at 19200 W Country Club Dr, Miami, FL 33180, USA. The charge for distance is USD $1.50 per mile, starting from this location to wherever the task to-do is.
Things To-Do Runner: Distance Fees (New York City, NY):
Distance calculations charges for Things To-Do Runner services in New York City start at 4610 Center Blvd, Long Island City, NY 11109, USA. The charge for distance is USD $1.50 per mile, starting from this location to wherever the task to-do is.
Things To-Do Service Area:
Your Things To-Do Runner Service is currently available in two locations in United Sates: New York City, NY. and serving the Tri-State Area and in Miami / Fort Lauderdale, FL. and serving South Florida and surrounding cities.
Immediate Cancellation: If a service is ordered and immediately canceled, there is no cancellation fee.
Driver En Route Cancellation: If a service is ordered, and a cancellation occurs when the driver is already on the way to pick up: USD $10.00.
Pickup Completed – Distance-Based Fee: If a service is ordered, and the driver has already completed the pickup and is en route to the drop-off location, the cancellation fee will be calculated based on the distance driven until the return of the item to the pickup location.
Immediate Cancellation: If a service is ordered and immediately canceled, there is no cancellation fee.
En Route Cancellation: If a service is ordered, and a cancellation occurs when the runner is already on the way to the things-to-do location, fees will be calculated by the distance driven from mile zero to where the cancellation occurred.
On-Site Cancellation: If the service is canceled for any reason after the runner has already commenced the things-to-do service, and the duration of the service is less than one hour, there will be a flat charge of one hour for USD $60.00. In the event the service is canceled or requested to stop after one hour of service, no additional penalty applies, as a minimum of one hour has already occurred.